Long-tailed Goral (Naemorhedus caudatus)

Habitat :

The species inhabits steep mountainous and rocky terrain covered with evergreen and deciduous forests, especially with exposed grassy ridges from about 500-2,000 m asl. It inhabits steep and rocky terrain in evergreen and deciduous forests, especially with exposed grassy ridges from about 500–2,000 m asl. It eats a wide range of plant material: grass, herbs and shoots, leaves of small trees, nuts, and even some fruit. Group home range size is typically around 40 hectares, with males occupying marked territories of 22–25 hectares during the mating season. They typically live in small groups of 4–12 individuals, with older males usually solitary. Gorals are diurnal, and are most active in the early morning and late evening, but can be active throughout on overcast days. It keeps to steeper slopes where it is very agile over rocky crags and cliffs. The gestation length is 6.5 months (Patton et al. 2000). Males and females reach sexual maturity at approximately three years, with a lifespan of up to 15 years or so. Mating takes place in early winter, and one, or rarely two-three, kids are born about 6.5 months later.

Current Status :



CLASS : Mammalia

ORDER : Cetartiodactyla

FAMILY : Bovidae

GENUS : Naemorhedus

SPECIES : Long-tailed Goral (Naemorhedus caudatus)

Conservation status : Vulnerable

Reference :

For more information

Point of view :

Update : 11 April 2017